Thursday, May 8, 2014

Ways celebrities were dropped from ads

Although people always try to lead in the footsteps of celebrities, you probably wouldn't want to do what these people did. Here are 4 ways celebrities got dropped from their endorsements

 1.Rihanna- I'm too sexy for my ad
Rihanna is well know for her revealing music videos and Instagram posts. But, when Nivea got a new head of the company, it was time for her to go.

2.Kirstie Alley- From dropping the pounds, to dropping the paycheck
When Kirstie Alley agreed to sign with Jennie Craig, there was one thing she had to agree to, loose weight. But, after loosing the weight, she quickly gained some back, so Jennie Craig immediately dropped her in 2008, but a few years later they agreed to take her back.

3. Jessica Simpson-Step into other peoples jeans
For any little girl growing up, it is a dream to have your own clothing line. For Jessica Simpson, that dream came true.Her clothing line was one of the most successful out there. What better way to celebrate this then a shopping spree! But, one day she was photographed and her own company sued her for wearing a different type of jeans. Jessica went to court for $100 million dollars for breaking her contract. Check out the court papers here:

4.Mary Kate and Ashley-When she needed help
In the late 90's early 00's, Mary Kate and Ashley was everywhere. So, the famous-ly known "Got Milk?" ad decided to hire them to star in one of their ads. Shortly after the ad was released, Mary Kate came out to the public and admitted to her eating disorder. Got Milk quickly turned away and dropped the Olsen Twins after hearing the news.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Youtubers Promoting Products

When you click on your favourite Youtuber's new video, they will promote at least one product without noticing, or promote a product that they have been paid to talk about. In this blog, i will introduce you into these 4 main groups that they will fall under & examples.

Direct Marketing
At the end of the month, Connor Franta includes an advertisement for Audible in a video
Direct marketing is where a Youtuber has been contacted and hired to talk about their product. On Youtube, this is mostly for rising, or very popular Youtubers with a big crowd. For example,  Audible Books contacts Connor Franta for at the beginning or end of each month  to talk about Audible and gives him a free book to give out to his fans.

Grav3yardgirl shows off the product she was sent.

Indirect Marketing

When you watch a video, and the Youtuber is talking about for example, for the past week they yhave been trying this new spray tan, the company has contacted them to ask them to talk about it, and are even given one to give away or a hashtag to use when they buy the product.

Accidental Marketing
Stilababe09 models her new clothing.
When you watch a "Haul" or  a weelk video, and the Youtuber shows a piece of clothing and where its from, they have just done accidental marketing. For example, Meredith Foster(Stilababe09) recently uploaded a new video where she shows the new products she purchased.

Independent Marketing

Andrea tells social media about her clothing line.
When a Youtuber releases merchandise, they often include their product in a video to advertise their product before, and after it is released. This marketing is very common with a Youtuber because its free, and they get it out to all their die-hard fans. For example, Andrea Russet, released "FLAWD" clothing , and has barely paid for marketing because of her Youtube, Twitter, Instagram etc. accounts.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

How Youtubers want you to see their products

You may not realize it, but when your favorite YouTube guru posts a new video, you're being given new ways to spend your money. It may be a simple ten minute video, but you've been introduced into new fashions, or trends that most of the time are pointless cheaply made, but over priced items that has either been their opinion, or told to talk about.Youtubers also change our everyday life. When girls want to learn a new hair style, they'll log onto Youtube and watch a video (which will show hair items that will smooth or add more volume to your hair). Or, when looking for new trends, they'll log onto Youtube which will then be influenced to go to the nearest Forever 21 and purchase that trendy top. When making a trip to your local Starbucks, you will see someone ordering a drink that you saw your favourite Youtuber recommend last week.

Youtubers have become so popular, that they have came out with their own makeup, or clothing line. For example, Michelle Phan has became popular from her Youtube with over 6 million subscribers and has recently released Em; a significantly overpriced makeup line. To create more popularity with the product, she has included at least one of her products in each of her weekly videos, and sneaks in a few “This is the best concealer I've used”, and “Its so soft” to try to sell the product without being too pushy.
.@Bethany Mota (Bethany Mota) 's Instagram photos | Webstagram - the best Instagram viewer

Bethany Mota, is one of the most influential Youtubers out there. Even if shes talking about a new type of gum or drink, suddenly all over social media is people buying those items. Recently, Bethany has created a new and popular clothing collection at AĆ©ropostale. The "Bethany Mota" collection has been highly popular because of her style, and with the minimal advertising she uses in her videos.

Bethany and Michelle's products are only a few ways to show how celebrities advertise their products without being pushy and seem too into your face.  
Check out Michelle and Bethany's Youtube accounts here: